Saturday, May 3, 2008

So today my best friend Grace came over to visit with me...I was so thrilled! I haven't seen her in awhile..she lives far..I wish I could see her she is having a baby...and I got to see the little boogers ultrasound pics...well it looks so so cute already...I'm so happy... This year is going to be full of happy babies! Im waiting on about 8 of them but really the only two that matter the most is my sissy's in june 2, csection date..and Grace on holloweenie.oct 30 or so.. Still don't know what she is sissy is having another girl..natalia Isabel..named after me...wish is a bigger honer than everyone thinks. So here is a pic of little lucky and gracy's baby.
I'm so lucky though..I still can't believe I will be it's godmother!'s a big deal to me. More than I show. My insides are smiling!


Sunday, April 6, 2008

So today I went to visit Eloara, my daughter who passed away 10 yrs ago at the age of 2. She is buried in Glendora, CA. The view as u can tell is awesome...
People usually make "friends" with other people mourning and you talk to each other and tell your stories about who you are visiting.
Today I met a older man. His story is still inside me and will keep there for awhile. May never leave and I will probably visit his love ones from now on.
I was going to not talk to him besides the curtious hello. But I decided to ask who he was visiting. The flowers where so pretty. I asked is it your wife? He said no. My daughter and my granddaughter. They were strangled 15 yrs ago. Then his mood changed. He then says..they never caught the person. I wanted to know who found them... I found my daughter and that was the worst memory! He says to me the fire department.. The killer set the house on fire and left. The neighbor called 911 because of the fire and then they found them. My body just shook inside. We talked some more. About how only time helps...but still's not suposed to happen like that... I wanted to hug him..but instead I gave him a handshake and told him I would see him next week.
I wish so bad that these things didn't happen. Life is hard sometimes... and sad...

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Sick eik

I've been sick for the past two weeks...soon as i'm over one thing the next thing hits me... First I caught a cold then I was sick with pain from my MCTD maybe it was the lupus part..ugh... Last nite I had fever all nite and i'm been cold all day...can't eat or do anything..i'm useless! darn it!!!!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Black Widow

Oh oh..just found this girl in my garden...yikes! Sorry I had to murder it. I have a puppy.... Although I do have a black widow tat..


Yay..I finally got a die cutter...I decided on the cuttlebug..mostly cause it was on sale! And I won some die cuts on ebay. I also bought some embossing i'm busy playing with that for now..woohooo!